The Roundabout

Here we are back on the roundabout. After a week free from anxiety pains friday came and so did the pains.The reason for this was that they had a test at school which she was really worried about, mainly because she had missed so many of the classes on that topic because she had been off school with stomach pains.

I took her into school because she had got herself into such a state, we accidentally saw the headteacher who spoke at her, not to her, didn’t want to listen to anything she had to say, in fact wouldn’t let her speak and said to her that its ok it’s only a little test.

Why can’t they get this into their heads:

1) if someone has anxiety problems saying its ok does not make it better,

2) All they need to do is take 1 minute out of their busy day to listen to her concerns

3) ignoring it is not making it go away

I am normally the first person to defend this headteacher as I’m not really sure that everything is his fault , However, on friday I was left disappointed and feeling left down, I can understand why youngest is always saying they are not a listening school.If I didn’t have uni work to hand in i would have brought her home. How can anyone be so clueless especially as this has been going on for a long time and he has been aware all along as to what is needed.

I am fed up of going round in circles on this roundabout looking for the right exit but coming up with dead ends all the time, there must be an exit.

In the hopes of trying to build a road I have the school nurse coming round tomorrow and maybe joining her a psychiatrist or something like that in the hopes that this will help add to that it’s parents evening as well tomorrow is going to be busy, but i do hope that there wil be a little path to a non dead end.

I will continue to hope but at times my hope has gone.

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